Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today I watched part of The Lion King with the children I work with. I absolutely love Disney movies. For the most part I can't name very many movies I don't like from Disney. But the real reason I'm writing today is that during the movie I was reminded of the song Akunamatata (my spelling could be absolutely wrong) but it means no worries for the rest of our days. It's our problem free philosophy. There are so many times in my life that I truly forget to not worry. At the end of the school year I had posted the scripture Matt 11:28 all over my home. "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." God is so faithful to remind us not to worry about tomorrow because it will take care of itself. As a planner and someone who likes "my ducks in order" I am constantly learning but not worrying and trusting God with not only the outcome but the process it takes to get where He wants me. And of course where would be without patience to help accomplish that. Isn't God good.

I am preparing to start a new school year. I'm looking forward to the year for more reasons than one, but in my preparation it has been a good reminder to not get so caught up in the details that I lose sight of the goal.

1 comment:

aduma said...

no worries!! :-)

Missed you out west this past weekend. Hope you are having a lovely day!